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Department of Pharmaceutics

Major areas of Research

The major areas of research work broadly include Novel drug delivery and conventional drug delivery.

Strength of Department

The department has well equipped pilot plant with advanced instruments in the research laboratories such as:

Ultrasound probe sonicator:  used in formulations of lipid and non-lipid based sub micro and nanosystems

HPLC: used for qualitative and quantitative estimations of compounds, used for estimation of drug levels in biological fluids and tissues

Dissolution apparatus: Used for studying the drug release from various dosage forms

UV Spectrophotometer: To determine the concentration of drugs in various dosage forms

Tablet punching machine: used for tablet punching

List of Major Equipment

Dissolution Rate Test apparatus, Conical percolators, Hot Air oven, Centrifuges, Mixers, Mortar and Pestles, Tincture press, Hand grinding mill, Remi stirrers, Magnetic Stirrers, Filtration units, Andreason Pipettes, Viscometers, Stalagmometers, Tablet Compression machine, DT apparatus, Tablet Friability tester.


Preparation room, Computer Facility, Intercom facility, Refrigerator, Power supply with Electricity/Generator, Water supply, Drainage system, Gas supply, Proper cross ventilation, Fire-Extinguisher, Exhaust fan, First aid Kit etc.

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